In advance of the February 9 Board of Supervisors meeting, MCA has prepared two documents outlining a comprehensive list of proposals for both existing operators in Mendocino County, and the County’s Legislative Platform.
As a Trade organization representing the best interests of our Members and the community at large, we encourage you to review our recommendations, and if you agree, to share that agreement with the Board of Supervisors. Info on how to do that below!
Item 6a – Phase 1
Our recommendations for this item are specifically geared to maintaining operational status for existing operators, and enabling reduced county staff to use their time as efficiently as possible to manage the bottleneck of applicants already in the system.
Among other items, we propose discontinuing the 30 Day Notice program in favor of a more comprehensive approach that will better support operators as they get ready to identify their best path forward to Annual Licensure.
CLICK HERE to read the full memo.
Item 5i – Legislative Platform
Mendocino County has its own Lobbyist who advances the County’s agenda at the State level. MCA has proposed a slate of additions to support our local cannabis community to be added to the official Legislative Platform for 2021. The Board of Supervisors has previously expressed support for these suggestions, so we sincerely hope to see them incorporated in the next draft of the document.
CLICK HERE to read the full list of recommendations.