
MCA Memos for 05-03 BoS Meeting

In advance of the 05-03 BoS Meeting MCA has prepared the following memos:

  • Item 3s – Mendocino Cannabis Department
    • We again urge the Board to take a more active role in directing MCD to support local licensees.
  • Item 3z – Economic Development
    • We support the agreement with West Company to provide economic development support to all local businesses, including cannabis businesses.
  • Item 4a – Budget Report
    • We identify that cannabis has contributed nearly $15M to the County in the last few years, nearly $8M MORE than projected, and stress the need to protect those operators generating that essential revenue, and overall economic activity, for the entire county.

CLICK HERE to read the memos!

Additionally, Mendocino County has been declared a disaster area by the Small Business Administration due to drought conditions.  Especially in this context, and because Cannabis businesses are not eligible for programs designed to address this disaster, we urge the Board to expedite both the fallowing program and tax relief for operators continuing their operations. 

Finally, it has been brought to our attention that from the 1150 Provisional state licenses operational in Mendocino County, it is estimated that less than 700 are still engaged in the licensing program.  If this is accurate, that means nearly 40% of folks who had entered the program at the urging of the county to get regulated have fallen out of that process.  Continued inaction by the Board will only lead to more and more of these losses, which will continue to reduce valuable resources for the entire county.  We urge our Supervisors to engage more directly with MCA to course correct the harmful path that our cannabis program is currently on.

If you support our positions, please share that support with the Board of Supervisors. 

To leave any written public comment, first you must CLICK HERE to register with Granicus. Once you have registered, you will be able to sign in and make comments on all agenda items. Moving forward, we will provide links for each agenda item to comment on, so it’s worth your time to sign up now since this is the system the County will be using moving forward for submissions.


If you would also like to make a verbal comment (we recommend it!) on any or all of these items, there are two options.

1. If you would like to leave a message for the Board of Supervisors to be played during the May 3 meeting, you can leave a voicemail comment

 – Call 707-234-6333 and leave a voice message, up to 2 minutes in length, to be played during public expression/public comment, as it relates to the agenda.

– Speak clearly, being sure to state your full name, District #, and which agenda item you are calling for. YOU MUST LEAVE ONE MESSAGE PER AGENDA ITEM. MESSAGES MUST BE LEFT BY 7AM ON THE DAY OF THE MEETING TO BE SAFE.

– Anonymous phone messages will not be played back during the meeting!

2. Join the Zoom Webinar on 05-03 and use the “raise hand” feature when Public Comment is called. For details and complete list of the latest available options by which to engage with agenda items, please CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to Join Zoom Webinar

Zoom Webinar ID: 870 9188 1855 

Zoom Phone Number (if joining via telephone): 1 669 900 9128

Please also feel free to email your District Supervisor with your comments!

Make sure to include the items that you’re writing about in your Subject

District 4 – Dan Gjerde gjerde@mendocinocounty.org,
District 3 – John Haschak haschakj@mendocinocounty.org,
District 1 – Glenn McGourty mcgourtyg@mendocinocounty.org,
District 2 – Mo Mulheren mulherenm@mendocinocounty.org,
District 5 – Ted Williams williamst@mendocinocounty.org

All Supervisors: bos@mendocinocounty.org

Thank you for your support! 

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