
Call to Action for 07-25 BoS Meeting re Cannabis Prohibition Zone

For those of you who have been tracking the proposed Redwood Valley Cannabis Prohibition District, it is coming before the Board of Supervisors for a decision on Tuesday July 25. 

Those affected by the proposed CP Zone have created a new website on this topic: 


You can visit their site to learn more about CP Zones, the affected cultivators, and why this policy is deeply flawed not just in Redwood Valley, but for the entire cultivation community. When on the site make sure to sign the petition!

We also highly recommend checking out the linked letters on the home page sent to the Planning Commission by Emerald Law Group (the attorneys representing the affected cultivators).

While the operators who would be impacted by this zone are MCA Members, this is an important issue for all local licensees.  As currently written our ordinance allows any group of citizens to engage in this tactic for any reason, and we must call for that provision to be removed.  It is important to not only oppose this particular zone, but Prohibition Zones in general, and we will continue to include this within our advocacy.

We will be sharing info on how to submit written and verbal comment at the7/25 BoS meeting by Friday afternoon at the latest with the Subject “CALL TO ACTION #2” but wanted to provide this heads up and point you to www.NoCPZones.com before then.


CLICK HERE for the Staff Report to the BoS on the item (Colony CP District).

0.1± miles north of the Redwood Valley town center, bound generally on the west by East Road (CR 230), on the north by Madrone Drive (private) and Road I (CR 234), on the east by Colony Drive (CR 232-A), and on the south by Road D (CR 232).

CLICK HERE for MCA’s previous memo in opposition.

CLICK HERE for an image of the proposed zone outlined by a thick black border. 

You will notice that there are 2 provisionally licensed cultivation sites within the zone, and another 7 provisionally licensed cultivation sites adjacent to the zone, 4 of them directly touching the border. The 2 provisional licensees within the zone are Latin, and the 7 licensees just outside of the zone are white. So this Zone would cease the compliant cannabis activities of Latin operators while allowing their white neighbors to continue.  The proponents of the Zone have said that their intent is not racist, but the map clearly appears to create an unnatural shape to specifically include only the impacted cultivators. 

Another item of note is that a good portion of the proposed zone (the smaller parcels on the left side) is already in zoning that prohibits commercial cannabis activity, while the other portion is in Ag Zoning which is where the state and county would like to see new cannabis cultivation occurring. It would set a terrible precedent to Prohibit cannabis in one of the few remaining zones where it is currently allowed.

This is an important issue for us to address as a community. Please look out for more information on Friday with details on how to submit public comments for the meeting.  If you would like to email your district Supervisor directly to share your opposition to the Zone, you can do that at any time between now and Monday evening at the following email addresses:

CLICK HERE for County District Map

District 1 – Glenn McGourty mcgourtyg@mendocinocounty.org,

District 2 – Mo Mulheren mulherenm@mendocinocounty.org,

District 3 – John Haschak haschakj@mendocinocounty.org,

District 4 – Dan Gjerde gjerde@mendocinocounty.org,

District 5 – Ted Williams williamst@mendocinocounty.org

All Supervisors: bos@mendocinocounty.org


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