
Sept 5 Cannabis Advisory Sub-Committee Meeting re: Appellations

Cannabis Advisory Committee – Cultivation Subcommittee

Tuesday, September 5, 2023 – 1:00 pm.

Notice to the Public

The Cannabis Advisory Committee’s (CAC) Cultivation Subcommittee will hold a meeting on September 5, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. CAC subcommittee meetings are live-streamed and open to the public. No registration is required.

To view or participate in the meeting, you may attend in person at: Department of Cannabis Control Headquarters 2920 Kilgore Road Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

You may also join by computer or phone at the meeting time:

o Webinar 2530 899 6186

o Password: CultivationPblc

  • To join by phone, call 1-844-621-3956, Password: 28584829
  • CLICK HERE to view instructions for connecting to the meeting.

Meeting Agenda Topics:

1. Call to order and roll call Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda

2. Public comment for items not on the agenda Items for Discussion and Possible Recommendation

3. Appellations of Origin labeling requirements DCC is requesting feedback from the subcommittee on two specific elements of the Appellations of Origin Program labeling requirements. The subcommittee will discuss, and may make recommendations to DCC on, the following questions:

• How should an appellation be indicated on the labeling and advertising of cannabis goods? Options may include specific terms, such as requiring “appellation” after the appellation name, or requiring a seal or logo.

• What is an appropriate transition time for businesses who do not meet the appellation of origin requirements to cease using the term in labeling and advertising?

• What other regulatory steps, if any, should DCC consider to strengthen appellation-of-origin requirements in the context of packaging and labeling?

Background: The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is responsible for implementing an Appellation of Origin Program for cannabis and cannabis products. CDFA has promulgated regulations that describe how cannabis businesses can request that CDFA establish an appellation of origin. As the oversight authority for the packaging and labeling of cannabis and cannabis products, DCC will establish regulations on how appellations can be used in the context of packaging and labeling.

4. Any requests for future agenda items (Discussion only)

5. Adjournment

Public Participation in the Meeting:

The public can play an active role in the conversation about state cannabis standards and regulations by attending or viewing the CAC meeting and offering input during public comment periods.

The public can also submit comments before the meeting by emailing CAC@cannabis.ca.gov.

Public comment periods will be held where noted on the agenda and after each agenda item. Remarks must address the specific agenda item for which a public comment period is being held. The amount of time allocated for each comment may be limited. Meeting Accessibility DCC is committed to ensuring that our services, programs and meetings are accessible to all, including people with disabilities. The meeting will include closed captioning.

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