
Important Local Tax Deadlines and Grant Information


Please see the information below regarding the following important Tax and Grant items:


  1. Tax Payment Plan Sign Up Last Day May 31
  2. Local 2022 Cannabis Tax True Ups Due May 31
  3. State Cannabis Equity Tax Credit
  4. State Equity Fee Waivers
  5. Local Policy Update Wednesday May 24 @ 11AM


1. Delinquent Tax Payment Plan Sign Up by May 31

As you may already know, there has been significant local cannabis tax reform passed in Mendocino County to help support our struggling licensed operators. 

  1. County’s Delinquent Cannabis Tax Amnesty & Payment Plan Program
  2. Reduction in Cannabis Business Tax for Cultivation and Nursery Operations for Tax Years 2023 and 2024 effective April 28, 2023

The deadline for entering the Payment Plan Program for any taxes in arrears from 2018 – 2021 is May 31, 2023.


Operators can also pay all taxes in arrears at once if they are able and will still have their penalties and interest removed.

MCA’s advocacy has been a key component to moving these essential reforms forward to benefit all those in the local cannabis program.


2. Local 2022 Cannabis Tax True Ups Due May 31, 2023 

True Ups for 2022 Cannabis Business Tax is due by May 31, 2023.  Penalties for late payments begin on June 1, 2023, and can be significant if not addressed quickly, so we recommend submitting payment no later than May 31!

Details on the True Up requirements can be found HERE on the county website.

** We have requested that the County look into the possibility of allowing LEEP eligible operators who have already submitted Direct Grant Applications to redirect a portion of their Grant Allowance to cover the 2022 True Up in a way that would not lead to penalties or interest.  They are looking into if this is possible and will let us know as soon as they can.  We will keep you updated as soon as we have more info! **


3. State Cannabis Equity Tax Credit

The State Cannabis Equity Tax Credit (CETC) is available for taxable years beginning January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2027. Qualified cannabis businesses may receive a tax credit of $10,000.

A qualified taxpayer is an equity licensee that has received approval (including approval contingent upon the availability of funds) for the fee waiver and deferral program administered by the California Department of Cannabis Control.

The Department of Cannabis Control will provide FTB with a list of qualified taxpayers.

You can claim the nonrefundable credit for taxable years beginning January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2027.

Any unused credit may be carried over for 8 taxable years after the year the credit was generated.

For questions regarding the CETC, contact the Franchise Tax Board at:


More info here: https://cannabis.ca.gov/applicants/apply-for-equity-fee-relief/



4. State Equity Fee Waivers

If you were negatively affected by the criminalization of cannabis, you can apply to the DCC to have your license fee waived or deferred.

CLICK HERE for a State Equity Fee Relief Fact Sheet


CLICK HERE to see if you’re eligible for State Equity Fee Relief before applying, and for information on how to apply if you are.

For licensees renewing in July or August, MCD is prioritizing the processing of your applications locally to meet current State requirements for renewal.




5. Local Policy Update Wednesday May 24 @ 11AM

There will be a lot of news to share from the GGC and BoS meetings from today and tomorrow that will significantly impact how our entire local cannabis program will be moving forward in a way that will benefit all existing operators.  This is the one policy update you do not want to miss!


You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: May 24, 2023 11:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

MCA Memos for 5-22 GGC and BoS Meetings

In advance of the GGC and BoS Meetings on May 22nd, MCA has prepared the attached memos on the following items:



CLICK HERE to read the memos!


We will also be making a comment in support of BoS Item 3b regarding the contract between the County and Ascent Environmental to engage in Environmental Planning services. As it reads now, this agreement will not only cover the budget for Ascent to do the EIR, but also to create any required Environmental documents required for applicants to receive their State Annual License without cost to the applicants.


We appreciate all of the efforts being undertaken at this critical time by the County to streamline processes and improve engagement and interactions with our local applicants and stakeholders.  There is a palpable, positive shift in tone and action that is a welcome change from the environment created under the previous administration, and it is being felt throughout the community. 


If you support our recommendations, you can use the following instructions to make either written or verbal comments (including leaving a voice mail at your convenience.)


To leave any written public comment, first you must CLICK HERE to register with Granicus. Once you have registered, you will be able to sign in and make comments and upload files for all agenda items.  You can CLICK HERE to find upcoming meeting agendas.



To make a verbal comment there are two options:

Option #1-Voicemail

(Please note that Voicemail comments will no longer be played back during Open Session, but are immediately available to the full Board of Supervisors upon submittal)

  1. Call (707) 234-6333 to leave a voice message, up to 2 minutes
  2. Leave your full name and the agenda item upon which you are making a comment.



Option #2 – ZOOM during the BoS Meeting

Use the “raise hand” feature when Public Comment is called


CLICK HERE to Join Zoom Webinar

Zoom Webinar ID: 899 0055 7384

Zoom Phone Number (if joining via telephone): 1 669 900 9128

Every voice raised makes a difference. 

Mendocino County Cannabis Policy Updates

Here are some local policy updates and links to important surveys:

  1. Planning Commission Meeting to Discuss Redwood Valley Cannabis Prohibition District – May 18 @ 9AM
  2. Agendas for 5/22 GGC & BoS meetings + 5/23 BoS Meeting coming on Thursday
  3. MCA Local Policy Update with Patrick Sellers to discuss the 5/22 + 5/23 meetings – May 24 from 11am – 12:30pm
  4. North Coast Economic Impact Study
  5. UC Berkeley Wildfire Impact Survey Follow Up re: Production Volume by Canopy Size
  6. MCD Update on Emailing Files + Upcoming Accela Implementation


1. Planning Commission Meeting to Discuss Redwood Valley Cannabis Prohibition District – May 18 @ 9AM

On May 18 the Planning Commission will hear an item to create a Cannabis Prohibition District in part of Redwood Valley.

0.1± miles north of the Redwood Valley town center, bound generally on the west by East Road (CR 230), on the north by Madrone Drive (private) and Road I (CR 234), on the east by Colony Drive (CR 232-A), and on the south by Road D (CR 232).

CLICK HERE for the agenda and CLICK HERE to review the submitted comments for the item. CLICK HERE for MCA’s memo in opposition.

There are only two licensed operators in the proposed district. If it passes they will have to shut down their operations within 3 years.  We invite you to share comments in opposition to the Prohibition District.  You can email your comments to


You can also attend the meeting in person or via zoom to make comments. Meeting information is on the Agenda.


2. Agendas for 5/22 GGC & BoS meetings + 5/23 BoS Meeting coming on Thursday

The agendas for next weeks County meetings regarding cannabis will be posted on Thursday afternoon.  These will be important meetings with potentially significant impacts including continuing the ordinance revision process to shift from a County Permit to a Cannabis Business License, the contracting of an EIR as part of the process to have the State take over the CEQA part of state licensure and what is hopefully a substantial update from MCD. We will be evaluating the materials as soon as they are available and sharing memos that we will be asking you to support.


3. MCA Local Policy Update with Patrick Sellers to discuss the 5/22 + 5/23 meetings – May 24 from 11am – 12:30pm

We know that there is a lot of uncertainty at the moment as it relates to permitting, state renewals, grant funding and a lot of other topics. A lot of information will come to light during the GGC meeting on May 22 and the Board of Supervisors meetings on May 22 and May 23.

Along these lines, we will host a Policy Update meeting that will be open to the public on Wednesday May 24 to share everything we can based on the information gathered between now and then. We will be joined by Patrick Sellers of Headquarters Consulting and possibly some other special guests!

MCA Members must register through the wild apricot email or membership portal to receive the zoom information in advance of the meeting.

Additional email reminders will be sent before the event.

Non-Members can CLICK HERE to register on Zoom.


4. North Coast Economic Impact Study 

MCA is working with HCGA and Origins Council to provide important economic impact data from our region that will inform local and state policy. We are counting on our community to share their stories through the survey linked below. It will be a significant benefit to all of us to have the data of our experiences considered through this academic lens and presented to lawmakers and regulators.

CLICK HERE for last week’s episode of The Cannabis Hour with Jenn Procacci on KZYX to learn more about the survey from Genine Coleman from Origins Council, Natalynne DeLapp from HCGA and Dr. Robert Eyler from Sonoma State University.

We are hoping that you can take the time (about 30 minutes) and provide the information being requested (your contact information will be kept completely confidential) to help answer these important questions for those regulating us but not living our experience:

1. How can those that chose to enter the regulated market inform us about the successes or failures of legalization in California?

2. How has Cannabis Legalization impacted the communities of Northern California in its current form?

3. Has legalization in California under Proposition 64 created access to the market for legacy growers?

4. Has it successfully legitimized the market that existed before adult-use legalization?

5. Has it included the communities most impacted by the decades-long war on drugs? 

HCGA and OC are collaborating with Sonoma State University and Cal Poly Humboldt on the first-ever Cannabis Economic Impact Study. This study will examine the economic impact of cannabis farming, manufacturing, distribution, and retail sales on the county economies in Humboldt, Sonoma, Lake, Mendocino, Trinity, and Del Norte counties).

We need your input. This study will only paint the complete picture of the economic impacts of legalization with your participation and the participation of our CA operators in these counties. Filling out the survey will only take approximately 30 minutes. You’ll want access to your end-of-year financial statements from 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability, as this will give the most accurate insight into conditions on the ground.

All financial data is 100% confidential. The study does not require your name, APN, or license information.

We are seeking help from cannabis businesses.  

CLICK HERE to take the survey!


5. UC Berkeley Wildfire Impact Survey Follow Up re: Production Volume by Canopy Size

From the University of Berkeley:

We would like to thank everyone who participated in our survey of the impacts of wildfire and smoke exposure on outdoor cannabis crops. The results have affirmed that the impacts have the potential to be substantial and merit immediate and widespread attention.

In order to add even more weight to the discussion, we would like to generate estimates of economic loss for the production impacts we will be reporting. To do this properly, we are seeking information to allow us to convert canopy area of production to dry flower weight.

We have created a short survey (approximately two minutes), which is available at this link: https://berkeley.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bynjmtoxNcttJqu

Any information you provide in the survey will be anonymous; IP addresses and emails are not recorded. For more information on anonymity, visit: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/distributions-module/web-distribution/anonymous-link/


6. MCD Update on Emailing Files + Upcoming Accela Implementation

The two messages were shared by MCD over the last two days:

1. Emailing Documents to Mendocino Cannabis Department

The Mendocino Cannabis Department (“MCD”) has been working with our Information Technology Division to address concerns from the public related to difficulties in submitting documents via the file submittal application SharePoint.  Moving forward, MCD will be accepting file submittals via SharePoint and/or direct email to address deficiency notices.  If you choose to submit via direct email, please be sure to submit your files directly to your assigned planner and always CC MCDPOD@mendocinocounty.org

Disclosure notice: Please keep in mind that communications via email over the internet are not secure.  Although it is unlikely, there is a possibility that information you include in an email can be intercepted and read by other parties besides the person to whom it is addressed.  Please keep this in mind when considering sending personal identifying material in any unencrypted emails you send.


2. MCD Switching to Accela – NO SHAREPOINT


In order to improve visibility and transparency, and create a more efficient regulatory process, MCD is excited to announce the roll-out of Accela Cannabis Regulation.  Starting Thursday, June 1, 2023, Applicants and Permittees will be able to sign on to the Citizen Access Portal through Accela and create their account.  Please look for a future Canna Note for the provided link to the Citizen Access Portal.

The Accela Citizen Access Portal houses all existing permits with the county and is where one will apply for any new permits.  The portal is also where applicants and permittees will upload all required documents.  As such, MCD will no longer be utilizing SharePoint for document and file uploads.  Please note that between Friday, May 26 through Wednesday, May 31, our IT department will be writing over all data from SharePoint to Accela.  It is absolutely pertinent that you DO NOT use or try to access SharePoint during this time.  Starting Thursday, June 1, MCD will be live with Accela.

MCD has established a new webpage for Accela that will publish and become available Wednesday May 24, 2023: http://www.mendocinocounty.org/departments/cannabis-department/accela

Best regards,

Mendocino Cannabis Department

MCA Local Policy Update Wednesday May 24 from 11am – 12:30pm

MCA LOCAL POLICY UPDATE Wednesday May 24 from 11am – 12:30pm!


We know that there is a lot of uncertainty at the moment as it relates to permitting, local and state renewals, grant funding and a lot of other important topics. A lot of information will come to light leading up to and during the GGC meeting on May 22 and the Board of Supervisors meetings on May 22 and May 23 that will significantly impact the local licensed cannabis community.


Along these lines, we will host a Policy Update meeting that will be open to the public on Wednesday May 24 at 11am to share everything we can based on the information gathered between now and then. We will be joined by Patrick Sellers of Headquarters Consulting and possibly some other special guests!


This meeting is open to all members of the Mendocino cannabis community with pre-registration.

The link to register is here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0oc-qtqjIqH9P4ivVpm0HUPzRXs_GJFtIm


All recorded meetings are made available to MCA Members for future reference – just one of the benefits of joining!

Not a member yet?

You can join here: https://mcatransfer.wpenginepowered.com/join-2/

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday May 24!

#strongertogether #WeAreMCA #mendocinocounty 

Local Cannabis Tax Webinar re: Payment Plans & Tax Reductions

As you may already know, there has been significant local cannabis tax reform passed in Mendocino County to help support our struggling licensed operators.  MCA’s advocacy has been a key component to moving these essential reforms forward to benefit all those in the local cannabis program.


Join MCA and Patrick Sellers of Headquarters Consulting in a public meeting for the entire Mendocino cannabis community from 11 am – 12pm on Wednesday May 10 for a webinar to go over the details of the following tax items:

  1. County’s Delinquent Cannabis Tax Amnesty & Payment Plan Program
  2. Reduction in Cannabis Business Tax for Cultivation and Nursery Operations for Tax Years 2023 and 2024 effective April 28, 2023

The deadline for entering the Payment Plan Program for any taxes in arrears from 2018 – 2021 is May 31, 2023.


We’ll also briefly discuss the recently announced State Drought Relief Grant for Small Farmers that is accessible to licensed cannabis businesses.


Topic: Local Cannabis Tax Webinar re: Payment Plans & Tax Reductions

Time: May 10, 2023 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

CLICK HERE to Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 857 8241 1524

Passcode: 707101

One tap mobile

+16694449171,,85782411524#,,,,*707101# US

+16699006833,,85782411524#,,,,*707101# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

+1 669 444 9171 US

Meeting ID: 857 8241 1524

Passcode: 707101

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcqa1u7iBU

Equity Waiver Processing Update

There have been some concerns that if folks submitted an Equity waiver for which there is not enough grant funding they will be charged penalties and interest for missing the payment deadline that the waiver was meant to cover.
We are happy to report that this is NOT the case.
We communicated with the Auditor Controller Treasurer Tax Collector (TTC)’s office and they shared the following information:
“If an equity operator is on the list of applicants pending review for a tax waiver and their application is subsequently denied, they will be allowed 30 days from the date of the denial letter to pay the tax due without interest and penalty. After the 30 days, all interest and penalty will apply
However, please note that if they are going to apply for a Payment Plan (for past due tax for years 2018-2021), there will not be an extension to the deadline for putting the Payment Plan in place by May 31st, 2023. In order to qualify for the Payment Plan, they must be current for 2022 and 2023 (including filing/reporting for all periods and have paid all 2022 tax (including 2022 True Up) as well as 2023 Quarter 1 tax). Therefore, it may be necessary for an applicant to pay the tax due in less than 30 days after the date of the denial letter if they are seeking a Payment Plan for tax years 2018-2021 unpaid tax.”
So in the worst case scenario that not everyone who submitted a waiver will be funded, there is still an opportunity for those folks who don’t get funding to pay the taxes without the addition of penalties and interest as long as payment is made within the 30 day window provided from the letter.
We hope to have more details from MCD sooner than later on the status of the existing submissions and will share as soon as we have them.
We are also happy to report that both MCD staff and the TTC responded very quickly to these concerns. The willingness to engage is a significant and welcome shift from the previous administration.

Final Day For Current Round of Equity Waiver Submissions April 25

The following message was just shared by MCD.  It indicates that between existing grant and waiver submissions in the queue the Department believes it is running up against the end of the remaining available funding – which as of the April MCD report was about $1.8M.

As such MCD will stop accepting Equity Waivers at the end of the day TODAY – 4PM.

If you are able to submit your waiver today, you may still be able to get in under the wire, but after today submissions will not be accepted until additional funding is either secured from the State or identified as unused from applications that have been submitted through today.

We are pasting below the announcement the various steps and links to submit Equity Waivers.

We will provide any additional updates from the County as soon as they become available.


LEEP Waivers Update

After review of the LEEP funds, the Mendocino Cannabis Department will no longer be accepting any LEEP waivers, after 4PM April 25, 2023.  The remaining funds are currently encumbered in the waivers still awaiting processing.  Please stay tuned for our next update, including upcoming news on the next round of funding.

Thank you,

Mendocino Cannabis Department


LEEP Waivers:

Treasurer Tax Collector Tax Waiver Form
Treasurer Tax Collector Tax Waiver Form Process

  1. Receive notice of taxes owed from Treasurer Tax Collector (TTC).
  2. Fill out Treasurer Tax Collector Tax Waiver Form.

** Please note that penalties and interest are NOT covered by grant funds.  All penalties and interest must be paid first, and proof of payment must be provided to MCD, before the waiver can be accepted.

  1. Visit TTC office with notice of taxes, your LEEP eligibility letter, and completed tax waiver form.
    1. TTC will stamp with the date paperwork was turned in.
  2. Turn in completed waiver form along with a copy of stamped tax notice to MCD. This can be done in person, or via email at cannabisprogram@mendocinocounty.org
    1. If via email, we only accept scanned copies, please NO photographs.
    2. MCD will stamp with the date paperwork was turned in.
  3. MCD will process paperwork and post a journal entry.
  4. MCD sends completed paperwork to TTC.
  5. TTC processes payment and sends receipt.


Department of Agriculture Scale Fees Waiver Form
Department of AG Scale Fees Waiver Form Process

  1. Receive invoice for scale fees from AG department.
  2. Fill out Department of AG Scale Fees Waiver Form.

** Please note that late fees are NOT covered by grant funds.  All late fees must be paid first, and proof of payment must be provided to MCD, before the waiver can be accepted.

  1. Turn in completed waiver form along with a copy of scale fees invoice to MCD.This can be done in person, or via email at cannabisprogram@mendocinocounty.org
    1. If via email, we only accept scanned copies, please NO photographs.
    2. MCD will stamp with the date paperwork was turned in.
  2. MCD will process paperwork and post a journal entry.
  3. MCD sends completed paperwork to AG department.
  4. AG department processes payment and sends receipt.


Environmental Health Land Use Review Fees Waiver Form
Enviro Health Land Use Review Fees Waiver Form Process
(Currently working with EH to finalize procedures.  Yes, waivers ARE being accepted at this time.)



Mendocino Cannabis Department Fee Waiver Form 
Mendocino Cannabis Department Fee Waiver Form Process

  1. Receive notice of fees.
  2. Fill out Mendocino Cannabis Department (MCD) Fee Waiver Form.
  3. Turn in completed waiver form along with a copy of your notice to MCD. This can be done in person, or via email at cannabisprogram@mendocinocounty.org
    1. If via email, we only accept scanned copies, please NO photographs.
    2. MCD will stamp with the date paperwork was turned in.
  4. MCD will process paperwork, post a journal entry, process payment, and send receipt.


Planning & Building Services Estimate of Fees Form
Planning & Building Services Estimate of Fees Form Process

  1. Complete numbers 1 – 11 on the Building Permit Fee Estimate for Cannabis Equity Grant Applicants Form from Planning & Building (PBS).
  2. Turn in the form with numbers 1 – 11 completed and a site plan to PBS.
    ** Please note that violation fees are NOT covered by grant funds.
  3. PBS will send the completed form, site plan, and acknowledged fees to waive to MCD.
  4. MCD will process paperwork and post a journal entry.
  5. MCD sends completed paperwork to PBS.
  6. PBS processes payment and sends receipt.

MCA Memo for 04-17 GGC Meeting

In advance of the GGC Meeting tomorrow April 17, MCA has prepared the attached memo on the following item:

  • Item 2a – April MCD Report (CLICK HERE for Agenda Materials)

CLICK HERE to read the memo, which covers the following topics:

  • April MCD Report Questions and Recommendations
  • MCD General Procedural Recommendations
  • Acceptable Tax Appeal Conditions
  • Reduction in Cannabis Business Tax Clarification re: Minimum Tax
If you support our recommendations, you can use the following instructions to make either written or verbal comments (including leaving a voice mail at your convenience before 7:30AM on Monday April 17).


To leave any written public comment, first you must CLICK HERE to register with Granicus. Once you have registered, you will be able to sign in and make comments and upload files for all agenda items.  You can CLICK HERE to find upcoming meeting agendas.



To make a verbal comment there are two options:

Option #1 – ZOOM during the BoS Meeting

Use the “raise hand” feature when Public Comment is called

CLICK HERE to Join Zoom Webinar

Zoom Webinar ID: 850 5593 1373

Zoom Phone Number (if joining via telephone): 1 669 900 9128


Option #2 – Voicemail

  1. Call (707) 234-6333 to leave a voice message, up to 2 minutes, to be played during public expression/public comment, as it relates to the published agenda.

  2. Leave your full name and the agenda item upon which you are making a comment.

  3. The deadline for voicemail comment is 8AM the day of the meeting. (Voicemails received after 8AM will not be played back during the meeting)
  4. Anonymous phone messages will not be played back during the meeting (nor will phone messages received prior to publication of the agenda)


Voicemail comments will no longer be played back during Open Session, but are immediately available to the full Board of Supervisors upon submittal.

Every voice raised makes a difference.  

MCA Memos for 04-14 GGC Meeting re Ordinance Streamlining

In advance of the Special GGC Meeting on Friday April 14th at 10:30 am, MCA has prepared a Memo and an addendum on the following item:

  • Item 2a –  10A.17 Ordinance Amendments

As we have shared in various forums, we’ve been extremely blessed to have the expert technical team of Hannah Nelson, Patrick Sellers, Chantal Simonpietri and Scott Ward working in coordination with MCA leadership to provide clear and actionable recommendations to the County and the State for how we can effectively and efficiently streamline our entire permitting and licensing process.


While we would all certainly like to see everything that’s been challenging change at once, we are going to have to manage triage with a step by step approach. The meeting on Friday is intended to focus on one very specific part of the overall streamlining process. To achieve the larger goal of preventing state licensure loss, we are willing to support the proposed limited ordinance changes at this juncture.


However, as you will see in our memo, we ask for a firm commitment that a new round of changes will be brought forward to the Board as soon as possible, perhaps in July. We also believe certain items in the staff proposed version of the ordinance changes must be reconsidered in THIS round and we detail modest changes in the addendum to our memo. Additionally, we plan to address more operational items that do not fall under specific ordinance revisions at the GGC Meeting being held on Monday. 


Finally, due to the very technical nature of these revisions and the tremendous amount of work and effort put in by our ‘Tech Team’ – we ask that during the meeting tomorrow we provide them with the most space possible to engage directly and meaningfully with County Counsel and Staff on addressing this round of changes as efficiently as possible. We recommend saving any comments that are not directly related to the item at hand and this specific round of ordinance revisions until future meetings. If you have any questions about this please let me know.


Now, without further delay,

PLEASE CLICK HERE to read the Memo and Ordinance Modifications we submitted to the GGC and County Counsel!

(Click HERE for the agenda materials from the County)


If you support the MCA recommendations, you can use the following instructions to make either written or verbal comments (including leaving a voice mail at your convenience before 7:30AM on April 14th).


To leave any written public comment, first you must CLICK HERE to register with Granicus. Once you have registered, you will be able to sign in and make comments and upload files for all agenda items.  You can CLICK HERE to find upcoming meeting agendas.



To make a verbal comment there are three options:

Option #1 – Voicemail

  1. Call (707) 234-6333 to leave a voice message, up to 2 minutes, to be played during public expression/public comment, as it relates to the published agenda.
  2. Leave your full name and the agenda item upon which you are making a comment.
  3. The deadline for voicemail comment is 8AM the day of the meeting. (Voicemails received after 8AM will not be played back during the meeting)
  4. Anonymous phone messages will not be played back during the meeting (nor will phone messages received prior to publication of the agenda)


Option #2 – ZOOM during the GGC Meeting

Use the “raise hand” feature when Public Comment is called

CLICK HERE to Join Zoom Webinar

Zoom Webinar ID: 820 5107 6885

Zoom Phone Number (if joining via telephone): 1 669 900 9128


Option #3 – Attend in Person

The meeting will be held in Conference Room C at the County office at

501 Low Gap Road, Ukiah, CA 95482

Local Cannabis Tax Reform Passes in Mendocino!

It’s official! on March 28 the Board voted 3-2 (Supervisors Ted Williams and Dan Gjerde dissenting) to fully adopt the tax reform that passed the first reading on March 14.
Thanks to Supervisors Mulheren, McGourty and Haschak for supporting the future of licensed cannabis in Mendocino.
The approved reforms:
– there will be a 50% reduction in the minimum tax for tax year is 2023 and 2024,
– penalties and interest will be removed from unpaid taxes from 2018 through 2021,
– and a payment plan will be set up that allows operators who are currently Deprioritized to put down 25% of the taxes owed to get back into application processing. They will then have to pay 50% of the outstanding taxes in 2024, and 25% of the outstanding taxes in 2025.
Operators will have to stay current with the tax payment plan, and True ups from 2022 and moving forward.
This is one of the most significant moves towards progress our community has seen in a long time.
Thanks to everyone who made comments in support and continues to advocate despite the challenges we face. We are truly #strongertogether
We will provide more details about the plan as they are available.  Payment Plan payments should be able to be accepted no later than April 28.
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