
Urgent Need for Local Cannabis Tax Reform in Mendocino County

In advance of tomorrow’s 11-08 Board of Supervisors meeting, MCA has prepared the following memo:

  • Public Expression – Urgent Need for Local Cannabis Tax Reform (CLICK TO READ)

On November 1, 2022 while the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors was passing a punitive appeals process for local embossed receipt holders, the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors completely suspended 100% of their Measure S Cannabis taxes due to the significant challenges facing their small local cannabis businesses, and their clear understanding of the importance of protecting their local industry. In the attached memo, we call on the Mendocino Board to provide the same level of support to our equally deserving locally licensed operators.

If you support our positions, please share that support with the Board of Supervisors BEFORE the meeting tomorrow!

To leave any written public comment, first you must CLICK HERE to register with Granicus. Once you have registered, you will be able to sign in and make comments on all agenda items. Moving forward, we will provide links for each agenda item to comment on, so it’s worth your time to sign up now since this is the system the County will be using moving forward for submissions.


If you would also like to make a verbal comment to the Board (we recommend it!) on this item, there are two options.

1. If you would like to leave a message for the Board of Supervisors to be played during the November 8 meeting, you can leave a voicemail comment:

 – Call 707-234-6333 and leave a voice message, up to 2 minutes in length, to be played during public expression/public comment, as it relates to the agenda.

– Speak clearly, being sure to state your full name, District #, and which agenda item you are calling for. YOU MUST LEAVE ONE MESSAGE PER AGENDA ITEM. MESSAGES MUST BE LEFT BY 7AM ON THE DAY OF THE MEETING TO BE SAFE.

– Anonymous phone messages will not be played back during the meeting!

2. Join the Zoom Webinar on 11-08 at 9AM and use the “raise hand” feature when Public Expression is called (usually right after the Pledge of Allegiance).

For details and complete list of the latest available options by which to engage with agenda items, please CLICK HERE  

CLICK HERE to Join Zoom Webinar

Meeting ID: 874 3013 9955

Please also feel free to email your District Supervisor with your comments!

Make sure to include the item that you’re writing about in your Email Subject

District 4 – Dan Gjerde gjerde@mendocinocounty.org,

District 3 – John Haschak haschakj@mendocinocounty.org,

District 1 – Glenn McGourty mcgourtyg@mendocinocounty.org,

District 2 – Mo Mulheren mulherenm@mendocinocounty.org,

District 5 – Ted Williams williamst@mendocinocounty.org

All Supervisors: bos@mendocinocounty.org

Thank you for your support!

MCA Memos for 11-01 BoS Meeting

CLICK HERE to review MCA’s memos for the following two items to be discussed at tomorrow’s BoS Meeting:

  • Item 3j – Appeals Process
  • Item 4d – Tree Mortality Emergency 

The Appeals item is especially Important to comment on!  Please try to share your personal opinion on why a fair appeals process is important to you, and why cultivation should still be allowed during appeal. Details below!

If you support our positions please share that support with the Board of Supervisors. 

To leave any written public comment, first you must CLICK HERE to register with Granicus. Once you have registered, you will be able to sign in and make comments on all agenda items. Moving forward, we will provide links for each agenda item to comment on, so it’s worth your time to sign up now since this is the system the County will be using for submissions.


If you would also like to make a verbal comment (we recommend it!) on the Appeal item, there are two options.

1. If you would like to leave a message for the Board of Supervisors to be played during the November 1 meeting, you can leave a voicemail comment

 – Call 707-234-6333 and leave a voice message, up to 2 minutes in length, to be played during public expression/public comment, as it relates to the agenda.

– Speak clearly, being sure to state your full name, District #, and which agenda item you are calling for. YOU MUST LEAVE ONE MESSAGE PER AGENDA ITEM. MESSAGES MUST BE LEFT BY 7AM ON THE DAY OF THE MEETING TO BE SAFE.

– Anonymous phone messages will not be played back during the meeting!

2. Join the Zoom Webinar on 11-01-2022 and use the “raise hand” feature when Public Comment is called on Consent Calendar (For Appeals). For details and complete list of the latest available options by which to engage with agenda items, please CLICK HERE  

CLICK HERE to Join Zoom Webinar

Zoom Webinar ID: 842 8382 2464

Zoom Phone Number (if joining via telephone): 1 669 900 9128

Please also feel free to email your District Supervisor with your comments!

Make sure to include the agenda items that you’re writing about in your Email Subject

District 4 – Dan Gjerde gjerde@mendocinocounty.org,

District 3 – John Haschak haschakj@mendocinocounty.org,

District 1 – Glenn McGourty mcgourtyg@mendocinocounty.org,

District 2 – Mo Mulheren mulherenm@mendocinocounty.org,

District 5 – Ted Williams williamst@mendocinocounty.org

All Supervisors: bos@mendocinocounty.org

MCA Memos for 10-18 BoS Meeting

CLICK HERE to review MCA’s memos for the following two items to be discussed at tomorrow’s BoS Meeting. (You can CLICK HERE to see the materials for the Agenda items)

  • Item 4b – Vegetation Removal is not ‘Development’
  • Item 4d – Cannabis Applicant Appeals Process 

The Appeals item is especially Important to comment on!  Please try to share your personal opinion on why a fair appeals process is important to you. Details below!

If you support our positions please share that support with the Board of Supervisors. 

To leave any written public comment, first you must CLICK HERE to register with Granicus. Once you have registered, you will be able to sign in and make comments on all agenda items. Moving forward, we will provide links for each agenda item to comment on, so it’s worth your time to sign up now since this is the system the County will be using for submissions.


If you would also like to make a verbal comment (we recommend it!) on any or all of these items, there are two options.

1. If you would like to leave a message for the Board of Supervisors to be played during the October 18 meeting, you can leave a voicemail comment

 – Call 707-234-6333 and leave a voice message, up to 2 minutes in length, to be played during public expression/public comment, as it relates to the agenda.

– Speak clearly, being sure to state your full name, District #, and which agenda item you are calling for. YOU MUST LEAVE ONE MESSAGE PER AGENDA ITEM. MESSAGES MUST BE LEFT BY 7AM ON THE DAY OF THE MEETING TO BE SAFE.

– Anonymous phone messages will not be played back during the meeting!

2. Join the Zoom Webinar on 10-18-2022 and use the “raise hand” feature when Public Comment is called. For details and complete list of the latest available options by which to engage with agenda items, please CLICK HERE  

CLICK HERE to Join Zoom Webinar

Zoom Webinar ID: 836 4523 4243

Zoom Phone Number (if joining via telephone): 1 669 900 9128

Please also feel free to email your District Supervisor with your comments!

Make sure to include the agenda items that you’re writing about in your Email Subject

District 4 – Dan Gjerde gjerde@mendocinocounty.org,

District 3 – John Haschak haschakj@mendocinocounty.org,

District 1 – Glenn McGourty mcgourtyg@mendocinocounty.org,

District 2 – Mo Mulheren mulherenm@mendocinocounty.org,

District 5 – Ted Williams williamst@mendocinocounty.org

All Supervisors: bos@mendocinocounty.org

Thank you for your support! 

MCA Memos for 10-17 GGC Meeting

CLICK HERE to read MCA’s memos for Public Expression and the following two items to be discussed at tomorrow’s General Government Committee (GGC) Meeting which starts at 1:30PM. You can CLICK HERE to see the meeting agenda.

  • Public Expression
  • Item 2a – LJAGP
  • Item 2b – Ad Hoc Recommendations

If you support our positions please share that support with the GGC, which is made up of Supervisors Dan Gjerde and Mo Mulheren.  The GGC is the committee through which all new cannabis items will be reviewed prior to going to the full Board to take action.

To leave any written public comment, first you must CLICK HERE to register with Granicus. Once you have registered, you will be able to sign in and make comments on all agenda items. Moving forward, we will provide links for each agenda item to comment on, so it’s worth your time to sign up now since this is the system the County will be using for submissions.


If you would also like to make a verbal comment (we recommend it!) on any or all of these items, there are two options.

1. If you would like to leave a message for the Board of Supervisors to be played during the GGC meeting, you can leave a voicemail comment

 – Call 707-234-6333 and leave a voice message, up to 2 minutes in length, to be played during public expression/public comment, as it relates to the agenda.

– Speak clearly, being sure to state your full name, District #, and which agenda item you are calling for. YOU MUST LEAVE ONE MESSAGE PER AGENDA ITEM. MESSAGES MUST BE LEFT BY 7AM ON THE DAY OF THE MEETING TO BE SAFE.

– Anonymous phone messages will not be played back during the meeting!

2. Join the Zoom Webinar on 10-17-2022 at 1:30PM and use the “raise hand” feature when Public Comment is called.

CLICK HERE to Join Zoom Webinar at 1:30 PM on Monday 10-17

Zoom Webinar ID: 897 2392 3484

Zoom Phone Number (if joining via telephone): 1 669 900 9128

Please also feel free to email Supervisors Gjerde and Mulheren with your comments!

Make sure to include the items that you’re writing about in your Email Subject.

Supervisor Dan Gjerde gjerde@mendocinocounty.org,

Supervisor Mo Mulheren mulherenm@mendocinocounty.org,

Thank you for your support! 

Final Documents for 10-04 BoS Meeting

NEW MEETUP TIME 1:30PM @ 501 Low Gap Road, Ukiah, CA 95482

We have just been made aware that the BoS will be hearing the cannabis items on the agenda after their lunch/Closed Session is complete on October 4. Lunch usually ends for them at 1:30, though they have indicated they may come back from Closed Session tomorrow after 2:30PM and expect nearly 4 hours of conversation on the cannabis items.

To make sure we do not miss the cannabis items in case the Board comes back early from Closed Session, we are requesting folks meet on October 4 at 501 Low Gap Road at 1:30PM.

In addition to the memos from Hannah Nelsonon on Appeals in Agenda Item 4h and the proposed Equity Program limitations in Agenda Item 4f, and the MCA memo in support of the Ad Hoc recommendations for Agenda Item 4g, we have one additional request.  

Sometimes the Board will choose to combine what they feel are similar items into one Agenda Item at the meeting, which would then limit commenters to only 3 minutes of comment on multiple items instead of on each item.  The complexity of these individual items requires focused discussion and the opportunity to consider detailed input on each one.  In your outreach to the supervisors, or in PUBLIC EXPRESSION on Granicus, please make sure to comment that it’s important to keep the cannabis items separated to maximize the opportunity to more thoroughly discuss each item.

PLEASE make comment on all of these items.  I’m seeing a handful of comments submitted digitally on Granicus, which is the County’s system for public commenting, but to make a real impression we’d like to see a lot more come through before 7AM tomorrow! 

CLICK HERE to see ALL memos and documents MCA and Hannah Nelson have submitted for 10-4.

CLICK HERE for info on how to comment to the BoS.

At 1:30 tomorrow at 501 Low Gap Road we will have signs to hand out to folks, and shirts that say ‘Protect Our Cannabis Heritage #WeAreStrongerTogether’ with the MCA logo on the back that we can all wear into the chambers to show solidarity.  The shirts will be available on site for $20 to cover the cost of their production. 

Please contact info@mendocannabis.com with any questions.

MCA Urges Adoption of Cannabis Ad Hoc Recommendations for 10-4

On Tuesday October 4 the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors will be discussing cannabis with the final report and recommendations for immediate action from the disbanding Cannabis Ad Hoc of Supervisors Haschak and McGourty.  After 10-4 all cannabis items will first be reviewed by the General Government Committee which will take a good deal of time to get up to speed on the scale of the current crisis.

CLICK HERE to read the recommendations.

MCA strongly supports these urgent suggestions from the Ad Hoc and we call on you and the broader Mendocino community to support them as well. We invite you, and all Mendocino residents who understand the value of our locally licensed cannabis industry, to call on the BoS to approve the Ad Hoc’s recommendations and to provide any necessary direction to Staff for them to be implemented.   We can not wait for these items to be further delayed by shifting them into a new committee.

MCA is planning an in person appearance in front of Board chambers at 501 Low Gap Road in Ukiah on 10-4 at 1:30pm prior to entering for the meeting. We will then enter the meeting and provide public comment on this item. 

We would like to further encourage you to share your support of these recommendations to your district Supervisor or the full Board in advance of the 10-4 meeting.  While the Board is used to hearing from a small number of MCA representatives on cannabis items, we feel this meeting is incredibly important, and the more voices we have in support, the more likely that the Board will feel inclined to adopt the recommendations which will ultimately benefit the entire County.

CLICK HERE for Talking Points to use when speaking or emailing your supervisors.

CLICK HERE for info on how to contact the Supervisors.

MCA Hosts 09-29 Community Meeting re 10-04 BoS Meeting

On Tuesday October 4 the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors will be discussing cannabis with the final report and recommendations for immediate action from the disbanding Cannabis Ad Hoc of Supervisors Haschak and McGourty.  After 10-4 all cannabis items will first be reviewed by the General Government Committee which will take a good deal of time to get up to speed on the scale of the current crisis.

CLICK HERE to read the recommendations.

MCA strongly supports these urgent suggestions from the Ad Hoc and we call on you and the broader Mendocino community to support them as well. We invite you, and all Mendocino residents who understand the value of our locally licensed cannabis industry, to call on the BoS to approve the Ad Hoc’s recommendations and to provide any necessary direction to Staff for them to be implemented.   We can not wait for these items to be further delayed by shifting them into a new committee.

MCA is planning an in person appearance in front of Board chambers on 10-4 at 8:30 prior to entering for the meeting. We will then enter the meeting and provide public comment on this item. 

We will be discussing our in person strategy on THURSDAY at 7PM at a Community meeting that is open to all local cannabis supporters. 

CLICK HERE to register for the Community Meeting

We would like to further encourage you to share your support of these recommendations to your district Supervisor or the full Board in advance of the 10-4 meeting.  While the Board is used to hearing from a small number of MCA representatives on cannabis items, we feel this meeting is incredibly important, and the more voices we have in support, the more likely that the Board will feel inclined to adopt the recommendations which will ultimately benefit the entire County.

Supervisor Emails: 

District 4 – Dan Gjerde gjerde@mendocinocounty.org,

District 3 – John Haschak haschakj@mendocinocounty.org,

District 1 – Glenn McGourty mcgourtyg@mendocinocounty.org,

District 2 – Mo Mulheren mulherenm@mendocinocounty.org,

District 5 – Ted Williams williamst@mendocinocounty.org

All Supervisors: bos@mendocinocounty.org

Make sure to include something along the lines of: Adopt the Ad Hoc Cannabis Recommendations on 10-04 in your Email Subject

CLICK HERE to find your county district

We look forward to speaking more about this on Thursday evening at 7PM.

CLICK HERE to register for the Community Meeting

MCA Memos for BoS Meeting 09-13-2022

MCA has shared memos for the following items to be discussed at the 09-13-2022 BoS Meeting.

  • Item 3b – Reproductive rights
    • In this memo we support the recommended action 
  • Item 4e – Equity Program Grand Jury Report
    • In this memo we identify concerns, and propose solutions, related to the proposed transition of cannabis items to the General Government Committee without the involvement of Supervisor Haschak, who has spent years digging into the minutiae of local and state cannabis policy

CLICK HERE to read the memos.

If you support our positions please share that support with the Board of Supervisors. 

To leave any written public comment, first you must CLICK HERE to register with Granicus. Once you have registered, you will be able to sign in and make comments on all agenda items. Moving forward, we will provide links for each agenda item to comment on, so it’s worth your time to sign up now since this is the system the County will be using for submissions.


If you would also like to make a verbal comment (we recommend it!) on any or all of these items, there are two options.

1. If you would like to leave a message for the Board of Supervisors to be played during the Sept 13 meeting, you can leave a voicemail comment

 – Call 707-234-6333 and leave a voice message, up to 2 minutes in length, to be played during public expression/public comment, as it relates to the agenda.

– Speak clearly, being sure to state your full name, District #, and which agenda item you are calling for. YOU MUST LEAVE ONE MESSAGE PER AGENDA ITEM. MESSAGES MUST BE LEFT BY 7AM ON THE DAY OF THE MEETING TO BE SAFE.

– Anonymous phone messages will not be played back during the meeting!

2. Join the Zoom Webinar on 09-13-2022 and use the “raise hand” feature when Public Comment is called. For details and complete list of the latest available options by which to engage with agenda items, please CLICK HERE  

CLICK HERE to Join Zoom Webinar

Zoom Webinar ID: 816 6978 3327

Zoom Phone Number (if joining via telephone): 1 669 900 9128

Please also feel free to email your District Supervisor with your comments!

Make sure to include the items that you’re writing about in your Email Subject

District 4 – Dan Gjerde gjerde@mendocinocounty.org,

District 3 – John Haschak haschakj@mendocinocounty.org,

District 1 – Glenn McGourty mcgourtyg@mendocinocounty.org,

District 2 – Mo Mulheren mulherenm@mendocinocounty.org,

District 5 – Ted Williams williamst@mendocinocounty.org

All Supervisors: bos@mendocinocounty.org

Thank you for your support! 

MCA Recommendations to Outgoing Cannabis Ad Hoc

As we have previously shared, Supervisor Glenn McGourty has resigned from the Cannabis Ad Hoc to focus on other projects such as local water sustainability. He and Supervisor Haschak, as the disbanding Ad Hoc, will be putting together a final report and specific recommendations to make to the full Board on October 4. Following this meeting, cannabis items will be heard first by the General Government Committee (GGC) which consists of Supervisors Mulheren and Gjerde. The GGC is only scheduled to meet two more times this year, which we believe is not nearly enough to address the many outstanding issues that require swift attention and resolution.

Last week MCA provided a list of these urgent items (including more regular GGC meetings) to Supervisors McGourty and Haschak that we believe should be acted on immediately by the Board through votes and direction given to Staff at the October 4th meeting, and a list of items that the Board could direct the GGC to begin addressing in their meetings, the next one which is scheduled for October 17. The memo is attached to this email.

Referenced in our memo and also attached are a Memo from Hannah Nelson regarding Tree & Shrub removal clarification, a Memo from Hannah Nelson and Scott Ward related to Portable Toilet allowances, and the Humboldt County policy on allowing cannabis processing by residents/permit holders within a permitted on-site single-family residence or residential accessory structure. Many thanks to Hannah and Scott for their invaluable support in this process.

These documents were developed to provide the Ad Hoc with input to make informed decisions on these important topics. We will be working to discuss further with both Supervisors in detail prior to October 4.
We will keep you updated as the conversation progresses. Please get ready to comment in support of our recommendations prior to the October 4th Board meeting.

CLICK HERE to review the documents.

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